Brunswick Foodstore

Being just down the road from Code Black and round the corner from Wide Open Road Brunswick Foodstore is an often overlooked brunch spot. I first came across it on a bitterly cold morning one winter when its porridge with stewed rhubarb and pear proved to be a much-needed warm treat.


I found myself here again the next year on one of Melbourne’s beautifully warm days. Being an eggplant aficionado I obviously ordered the poached eggs with babaganoush and avocado on sourdough. It sounded like the perfect dish for such a hot day and did not disappoint (though the egg yolk wasn’t runny).


The friend I was with – who is rather more adventurous than me – ordered the Man’oushe with za’atar and labne, despite neither of us knowing what any of these things where. I’m really glad he ordered this because all three of these things turned out to be delicious.

For those who like me have no idea what these are labne (or labneh) is strained yoghurt; straining the yoghurt removes the whey and results in a product that is a cross between a cheese and a yoghurt (think thick like cheese but still tart like yoghurt). Za’atar is a mixture of dried herbs and spices; you can find a great blog (and recipe) on it here. These two ingredients (and others) were brought together on the man’oushe which is – as explained to us by the waiter – a Lebanese breakfast pizza. The entire dish looked and smelt delicious; I had major food envy.


What Brunswick Food Store really has going for it is its relaxed atmosphere, food that is full of flavour and slightly different to anything you find at other brunch spots and (it being a food store and all) you can stock up on their great spices, coffee and other foods.


The next yummy food post should be up soon(ish) so keep visiting,

xx Buggy

Industry Beans Brunch

Oh Brunch! Is there any better meal? Or any better incentive for dragging oneself out of bed on a cold Melbourne morning?

Industry Beans proved to be the perfect incentive for such a thing (though by the time I got there it was well past lunch time). Tucked away  just off Rose st., Fitzroy this converted warehouse is the perfect place to duck in for coffee (or brunch!) when exploring the local area.


The weather was perfect so my friend and I made the most of it by sitting in the outside garden area. Like any sane person we were well in need of coffee by this point in the day and I was certainly not disappointed by the coffee menu – seriously this place is a coffee lovers paradise, but also great for people who (like me) aren’t professional coffee connoisseurs. My bonsoy chai latte proved to be a much needed Tuesday treat(because lets be honest it’s basically just Monday 2.0).


Everything on the menu looked exquisite that when the waitress asked me what I wanted so I did the whole ‘I still can’t decide because they all look so good so I’m just going to pick that thing there.’ That random dish turned out to be the Fried Creole Chicken Burger.


The Dish was incredible, it had a salad of quinoa with tomato and beetroot chips (just thinly sliced, oven roasted beetroot, yum!) as well as polenta chips with homemade aioli. The burger itself was on a brioche bun with these amazing pickled tomatoes; it took me a while to work out what the ‘delicious little white things’ where. The chicken breast was perfectly cooked and the casing – while I could probably go on about for an entire paragraph – was a perfect mix of crumbs, seasoning and general yumminess.


My friend – check out his blog Exposure – had the Wild Mushrooms and described it as such: harmoniously scrumptious! Combining the porcini seasoned mushrooms with some polenta and truffle foam took me to a gastronomically wonderful place.


Industry Beans definitely belongs high on the list to try brunch places.

xx Buggy